3-phase energy meter M-Bus TCP/IP LoRa Modbus

EMU Professional II

EMU Professional II

3-phase energy meter with MID B + D and PTB-A 50.7 approval
for energy management according to ISO 50001

Made in Switzerland  



Configuration of the EMU Professional II is done via touch-sensitive buttons.

  • Current transformer ratio (5/5A to 20'000/5A resp. 1/1A to 4'000/1A)
  • M-Bus, Modbus or IP-addressing
  • Pulse rate- and time

All configuration changes relevant to calibration-law are stored in the logbook of the EMU Professional II LP according to regulation PTB-A 50.7.



  • Load profile storage according to calibration-law and certificate PTB-A 50.7
  • 15 minute-interval load profile storage with a storage depth of over 3 years
  • Transformer ratio, pulse rate and width and addresses are repeatedly adjustable via touch-sensitive buttons
  • Two-rate tariff (HT/NT)
  • Manyfold read-out interfaces: M-Bus, Modbus RTU RS485,  TCP, Webserver, Direct-http

Read-out interfaces

Read-out interfaces

The following optional interfaces are available for the EMU Professional II.

  • M-Bus
  • Modbus RTU RS485
  • LoRa
  • TCP/IP (Webserver, Modbus TCP, Direct-http)


S0-Pulse output

S0-Pulse output

The EMU Professional II possesses a configurable S0-Pulse output

  • Active Energy
  • Active Energy consumption
  • Active Energy supply
  • Reactive Energy
  • Reactive Energy import
  • Reactive Energy export

Configuration ex-factory:
Direct meter: 1'000 pulse/40 ms
Indirect meter (CT): 10 pulse/120 ms



A 38x28mm graphic LC-Display allows for effortless read-out of parameters and settings. The well-arranged and intuitive operation makes the adjustment of settings like Language, CT-ratio or date and time very easy and helps in the day to day work with the energy meter.

All logbook entries relevant to calibration-law as well as the load profiles can be read-out on the display.


MID B+D und PTB-A 50.7

The EMU Professional II can be used for accounting purposes ex-factory due to its MID B + D certificate.

  • MID-Module B = Type test
  • MID-Module D = Certified processes in production
  • PTB-A 50.7 = cerified load profile conforming to legal requirements in differentiation of in-house energy production and third party import.

The additional certification for module D, QM-System for production and final testing allows the use of all EMU Professional II for accounting purposes.

Drittmengenabgrenzung bei eigener Stromerzeugung

Differentiation of in-house energy production and third party import

Starting on January 1st 2022 corporations located in Germany that use in-house generated energy are legally obligated to record their self-produced and self-consumed energy according to paragraph 62b of the Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG). This recording must happen every 15 minutes on a officially calibrated measurement system.

The EMU Professional II LP possesses the following necessary features for the national certificate PTB-A 50.7.

- Internal, easily reviewed logbook for recording the following calibration-law relevant events and changes in configuration:
- Adjustments of date or time
- Adjustments to the current transformer ratio

- A real-time clock with synchronization via a NTP time server. In case of a power outtage a super capacitor sustains this clock for numerous days.

- The load profile is saved every 15 minutes. The stored data can be easily reviewed on the Professional II and possesses a storage depth of over 3 years.

- The load profile can also be reviewed via the following interfaces. TCP/IP Interface with integrated webserver, NTP, Modbus TCP and API.

Supply for Germany: Our branch office in Germany distributes the EMU Professional II in Germany. Quotes & Webshop: www.emu-metering.de

TCP/IP Interface

TCP/IP Interface

The TCP/IP interface is directly integrated into the meter to avoid manipulation and contamination. This interface lends itself for third-party-differentiation of energy export.

Overview of functions

  • Display up-to-date measurements
  • Logging of various measurements
  • Access protection through password
  • Remote read-out via Modbus TCP
  • NTP Time server
  • Export of saved data


Integrated load profile storage with a memory depth of over 3 years for 15 minutes intervals.
The following measurements can be logged:

  • Active Power Consumption
  • Active Power Export
  • Active Power per phase L1 / L2 / L3
  • Current per phase L1 / L2 / L3
  • Voltage per phase L1 / L2 L3

M-Bus Schnittstelle

M-Bus Interface

The M-Bus interface according to EN13757-2, -3 (was EN1434-3) is directly integrated into the meter to avoid manipulation and contamination.

  •  Spring clamp pins
  • Connectors: 2x2 M-Bus pins to facilitate easier connection of multiple M-Bus compatible meters

Many measurements can be read-out over the M-Bus interface. Examples are active and reactive energy, current and voltage.
Configuration of the M-Bus can be done manually via the buttons on the device or via our own EMU MB-Connect software. This software allows for specific arrangements of the M-Bus protocols. With these available systems one can adjust the primary and secondary addresses as well as the Baud rate. The strain put on the EMU Professional II by the M-Bus amounts to an average of only 1.5 mA.

LoRa Interface

LoRa Interface

The LoRa interface is integrated into the meter.


Direct meter

Item number Description
P20A0000 EMU Professional II 3/100
P20A000M EMU Professional II 3/100 M-Bus
P20A000T EMU Professional II 3/100 TCP/IP
P20A000MOEMU Professional II 3/100 Modbus
P20A000LOEMU Professional II 3/100 LoRa
P20A000LEEMU Professional II 3/100 LoRa internal and external (SMA) antenna

Direct meter with PTB-A 50.7 certification and load profile storage

Item number Description
P20A030M EMU Professional II 3/100 M-Bus LP
P20A030T EMU Professional II 3/100 TCP/IP LP
P20A030MOEMU Professional II 3/100 Modbus LP

Indirect kWh-meter

Item number Description
P21A0000 EMU Professional II 3/5
P21A000M EMU Professional II 3/5 M-Bus
P21A000T EMU Professional II 3/5 TCP/IP
P21A000MOEMU Professional II 3/5 Modbus
P21A000LOEMU Professional II 3/5 LoRa
P21A000LEEMU Professional II 3/5 LoRa internal and external (SMA) antenna

Indirect kWh-meter with PTB-A 50.7 approval and load profile storage

Item number Description
P21A030M EMU Professional II 3/5 M-Bus LP
P21A030T EMU Professional II 3/5 TCP/IP LP
P21A030MOEMU Professional II 3/5 Modbus LP